Is Hostinger the best Cheap Web Hosting? | Review 2021
Greetings everyone! Thank you for reading my review of Hostinger. Hostinger is the Best cheap web hosting service that is quickly gaining popularity. They are well known.
The popularity of Hostinger is largely attributed to the incredible value that they provide, which includes the fact that they have extremely low pricing with packages as low as $1.
Now, what’s interesting to me is that despite being so cheap, I still found that Hostinger is excelled in several key areas like fast loading times and an impressive uptime rate. And hosting has created an easy to use interface, which is why they’re a great choice for newbies too.
However, there are some areas in which their low pricing might get in the way of whether or not you want to use them, most notably being their customer support.
Today, I’ll cycle through the pros and cons of Hostinger is to empower you to decide if those cost savings work out to give you what you need, or whether those low prices really mean you’re going to be sacrificing features that’ll leave you wishing you went another way if you decide to get Hostinger, Click on this link so I can get you the best deal out there for you and my loyal readers. So feel free to check out any of that if you like.
So regarding user-friendliness, this is one of the features that sets Hostinger apart because they make it really really easy for anybody to manage a website. Even if it’s the first time you’ve ever had a website, the interface is really simple.
And they have low price points, as I mentioned, and those things about Hostinger are primarily appealing to people who are new to web building, the newbs as they say and although Hostinger does offer cloud and VPS hosting plans that they designed specifically to encourage your website to flourish and have positive growth.

Today, I’m only going to focus on Hostinger three shared service plans, which really do start out at 1.39/mo. Now knowing that most Hostinger customers have little to no experience with website building, I found that Hostinger offers a free website builder makes that somewhat daunting challenge of creating and then having to manage your first website so much simpler.
The tools they have were really easy for me to use. And there were templates to help create a page that was engaging, that was professional and moreover was eye-catching. Their interface also had a well-organized dashboard with a very intuitive level of access to all those really cool tools and so much more than I’ll get into later to keep your site running smoothly.

Now when it comes to performance, which is an extremely important feature. And for some of you out there, the most important feature of a good web hosting company, one of the greatest draws of Hostinger apart from all the talk about unbeatable pricing is the speed of their load times.
Now load times literally referred to the time it takes for your web page to load. So how fast is Hostinger? Well, Google sets the gold standard for lightning-fast at 200 milliseconds. Hostinger boasts a worldwide average of around 143 milliseconds or in much simpler terms less than a quarter of a second.
So while these load times may not be consistent everywhere you go a worldwide average like that is still pretty sweet when you consider that in some areas that you’re in, you may experience much faster times than that especially in the US.
Now paired with the load time are also incredible speeds. Hostinger also offers that 99.9% uptime guarantee that I was talking about. And uptime refers to the amount of time that your website is up and accessible.
So when it comes to hosting you’re guaranteed to have the highest industry standard uptime and for $1.39/mo. Additionally, as part of this guarantee should for any reason Hostinger uptime ever dipped below that 99.9%.
But it’s really important to note that they’re not going to tell you that they dip below that guarantee and start letting people take advantage of that credit, you need to put on your detective cap and figure that out for yourself.
So keep an eye out. In addition to performance, there are several other things that hosting does that makes it a really great value. And before I get into the nuances of each plan, I wanted to talk about what comes with all of the plans because, with the exception of the $1.39/mo single plan, all the other plans offer a majority of the same things.
Security-wise Hostinger gives you a free SSL and SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. And that’s just a fancy name for that little lock. Everybody sees in the URL bar whenever you go visit a website or anyone visits your site.
And of course, when you see that little lock, it’s like the best kind of reassurance that you or anybody visiting your site can have that they’re going to do that safely and they don’t have to fear about their day to being compromised by hackers or anybody else that might want to do them harm.

As far as building your site is concerned Hostinger offers a WordPress manager for those of you who use this very popular service and if you don’t use WordPress, don’t worry about it. In a moment I’m going to talk about hosting has built-in website creation tools that they developed for those of you who think you’re going to need a lot of bandwidth and a whole flurry of email accounts.

The premium and business plans offer unlimited versions of both of those so you got yourself covered there. For an anxious person like myself, one thing that I really value is the ability to back up a site with single and premium plans. You’re going to get weekly backups and the business plan allows you to do it daily.
Me personally I like to do it daily because it just gives me one less thing to worry about. And if backing up your sight seems too daunting or it’s just not necessary. That’s totally okay because Hostinger has Cloudflare.
And Cloudflare is a service that stores a mirror or a functional copy of your website’s data on their servers. And that gives you real-time backup protection against the DNS attack, a denial of service attack, or any other type of website crash that might occur.
Another cool thing about Cloudflare is that it also keeps you informed when those types of disruptions happen. So it gives you a chance to act quickly and fix any damage before it gets out of hand. Because normally, when you experience an issue like that, and your site is down because of an error, whoever visits it can’t access the site until the problem is fixed.
But with Cloudflare protection, at least allows the visitors to see a basic version of your site that operates until you can address whatever is going on and fix the problem. And speaking of those DNS attacks, Hostinger has a tool to manage those types of service interruptions on there. And that works in tandem with Cloudflare.
Also, I wanted to mention, don’t be alarmed by the number of monthly visits. You see when you look at hosting plans. It’s not a cap, it’s actually a guideline to make sure you choose the right package for yourself because hosting is not going to enforce that monthly limit. But it’s definitely possible.
The other features of that particular plan may not be able to keep up with that type of really heavy traffic. So use those monthly visits as a helpful estimate to determine what your needs are. Rather than view it as something with limitations, you got to stay with it. Another cool feature that companies like Facebook and Netflix use are “git” and you’ll get access to this.
And with git access, what you’ll be able to do is work with your employees or co-workers remotely to develop and collaborate on projects or to QC products or to just really keep a constant flow of really good communication going so that you can streamline your business practices and other things that make you efficient, and then maybe profitable.
And talk of profits is a good segue into pricing because that’s another area where hosting or really demonstrates its value as a hosting company.
Because at first glance, to be honest, even I was wondering if a 99 cent hosting plan could actually help you create a good website and after getting a chance to experience hosting for myself, the short answer is yes, because hosting a single plan is really ideal for people with smaller, more intimate websites.
So if you have a portfolio that you’re trying to create or family blog, or something really minor like that the single plan is really great for that posting, your shared service plans are broken into three tiers, the single that I already mentioned the single is $1.39/mo, as everybody’s heard about the premium is $2.59/month and businesses $3.99/month.
Now keep in mind that these are introductory rates, and they’re going to go up after your initial contract is over. So certainly possible if you have the ability to commit to a longer-term, years months, whatever it is, it could actually save you a lot of cash in the long run. Now, when companies offer tiered packages, something that’s pretty standard, of course, is that the features and added value are going to as you ascend up that ladder.
And as far as hosting is concerned, in general, those specific features that you’re going to see as you ascend the ladder are an increase in storage capacities and the ability to gain access to a lot of tools that help you further optimize your site in order to manage it. For all that heavy traffic that’s going to be coming, it’s away.
The single-tier does include the majority of what you’ll need to start your first website except for a free domain. And there’ll be more on that in a moment. So stay tuned. at $2.59 The premium plan offers a lot of additional benefits, while the business plan priced at $3.99 is the best in my opinion for anyone looking to draw a larger audience.
And you want to do that by creating a larger volume of websites. And as you draw larger audiences, hosting allows you to upgrade your plan and escalated as your needs dictate. And one more thing hosting offers a 30-day money-back guarantee which may not seem like a big deal if you sign up for the $1.39/month plan.
But I always appreciate it when any company is willing to put a guarantee on any level of their service no matter what it costs. So as great as hosting is there are some reasons that you may want to choose a different hosting company. One of the most commonly noted issues about Hostinger is the lack of phone support. Now they do offer a 24/7/365 no tier live chat support, which is more than enough for me, but it may not be for you.
And for those unfamiliar, a no tiered support system means that everybody you talk to you is just as capable of answer your questions and solve your problems as the next person. So no matter what level of panic, your issue ranges from no sweat to a full-on catastrophe, whoever you talk to first is the last person that you’re going to talk to there’s no supervisors or anything like that.
And if you are someone who really just needs to hear a person on the other end of the line, then Hostinger may not be the best for you. I also wanted to mention that access to that live chat support feature that I mentioned requires you to log in.
So if you’re a new customer, or even if you’re an existing customer, and somehow you got locked out of your account, because like me, you can’t remember your really complex passwords, you’re gonna need to submit a ticket and wait for an email reply.
Another important note that’s only going to be relevant to a small percentage of people out there is the fact that Hostinger doesn’t offer cPanel Hostinger has its own website development tools. So if you use cPanel, you may want to consider an alternative host. But remember, the majority of you out there really won’t be affected by this as I mentioned.
So all things considered is hosting a true value for the dollar. The answer is yes, they offer one of the most user-friendly hosting experiences in the industry.
And the fact that you’re getting premium speed, performance and functionality at a level that more expensive web hosting companies would charge you is truly remarkable.
So if you’re not, if you’re new to web hosting, or you’re just searching for a low-cost option that’s going to allow you to create a website that’s fully functional, that’s interactive, that looks professional and catches people’s eyes all without costing an arm and a leg, then Hostinger really would be a great choice. So hopefully you found this article helpful. If so, please feel free to leave a comment and share it with others.
And if you decide to get hosting, I’ll include a link below showcasing the best pricing deal that I can get for you, my loyal readers, so feel free to take advantage of that if you’d like.
Also, if you’re curious about any of my other favourite business tools and services, I’ll include links to them down below as well as any of the best discounts I can get to save you money as much money as possible. Be sure and let me know any comments or questions that you have.
You know, I always love to get to answer as many of them as I can. Nothing is cooler and interacting with people like you who share the same passions as me. Otherwise, thanks so much for watching. Stay safe out there and have a great rest of your day. I’ll see you in the next article.
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