How to deploy angular app on GitHub Pages | 2022

How to deploy angular app on GitHub Pages | 2022

How to Deploy Angular App on GitHub Pages

Introduction to Angular Deployment

Deploying an Angular application can seem challenging, but GitHub Pages offers a simple and free solution for hosting your project. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the entire process of publishing your Angular app online, making it accessible to everyone.

Key Steps for Deployment

  • Create a GitHub repository
  • Build your Angular project
  • Configure deployment settings
  • Push your code to GitHub
  • Enable GitHub Pages

Detailed Tutorial Overview

The video tutorial covers comprehensive steps to deploy your Angular application, including:

  • Creating a GitHub repository
  • Building the Angular project using ng build command
  • Initializing git and linking repository
  • Modifying configuration files
  • Setting up GitHub Pages

Watch the full video tutorial here for a complete walkthrough of the deployment process.

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