Git Basics: Add, Commit, and Push Explained

Git Basics: Add, Commit, and Push Explained

Git Basics: Add, Commit, and Push Explained

Version control is a crucial skill for developers, and Git is the most popular system for tracking changes in your code. In this tutorial, we'll break down three fundamental Git commands that will help you manage your project's version history effectively.

Understanding the Git Workflow

Git provides developers with powerful tools to track, manage, and collaborate on code. The three commands we'll explore today are essential for every developer's toolkit:

  • git add: Stages changes from your working directory
  • git commit: Creates a snapshot of your project
  • git push: Uploads local commits to a remote repository

Detailed Command Breakdown

Let's dive deeper into each command and understand their specific roles in the version control process:

1. Git Add

The git add command moves changes from your working directory to the staging area. This allows you to selectively choose which modifications you want to include in your next commit.

2. Git Commit

Once changes are staged, git commit creates a permanent snapshot of your project. Always include a clear, descriptive commit message that explains the changes you've made.

3. Git Push

The git push command uploads your local commits to a remote repository like GitHub or GitLab, enabling collaboration and creating a backup of your work.

Watch the full video tutorial here: Git Basics: Add, Commit, and Push Tutorial

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