Crafting a Stunning Login Form with Tailwind CSS and Enhanced User-Friendly Validation

Crafting a Stunning Login Form with Tailwind CSS and Enhanced User-Friendly Validation


Developing an intuitive and visually pleasing login form is an essential aspect of user experience design. Today, we'll dive into creating an eye-catching login form using Tailwind CSS, complete with enhanced JavaScript-based form validation to ensure user-friendliness.


Before you start, you'll need to have the Tailwind CSS framework installed in your project. If you're new to Tailwind, make sure to check out our previous tutorials for a comprehensive guide on how to get started.

Getting Started

Once you've installed Tailwind CSS, run the following command in your terminal to watch for any changes in your input.css file:


This will actively compile your CSS files into an output.css file within the dist folder.

Basic Layout & Styling

Setting the Scene

To set the stage, let's create a light grey background. You can do this easily with the bg-gray-300 class.

Designing the Form Card

Next, you'll build a card to house your login form. Aim for a clean, rounded design with a white background and a drop shadow. We'll set the width at 450px and let the height adjust automatically. The Tailwind CSS code for the card will look like this:


Remember to add flex justify-center items-center h-screen to your body element to center this card on the screen.

Input Fields: The Username and Password

Username Field

For the username, you'll need a label and an input element. Add appropriate padding and a bold label. Make sure the input field stretches across the entire width of the card:


Password Field

Follow the same pattern for the password input field, setting the input type to password:


Crafting a Beautiful Blue Sign-In Button

For an elegant touch, let's create a beautiful blue button that changes shade when hovered over. With Tailwind CSS, you can achieve this like so:


User-Friendly Form Validation with JavaScript

Now let's implement user-friendly form validation using JavaScript. In this example, the form checks for empty fields and provides real-time feedback.

Here's how the validation script would look:


The Complete Code for Quick Copy-Pasting

Here's the entire code snippet that combines all the elements:



Tailwind CSS provides a streamlined approach for crafting visually appealing and functional user interfaces. We’ve explored how to create a beautiful login form complete with user-friendly, real-time form validation. Feel free to use this template as a starting point and further customize it to match your specific needs. Happy coding!